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DUBUQUE, Iowa -- For a few hours, Michael Joseph's football career was evidently over. It had amorphous like a dream, and concluded -- he apprehension -- like a nightmare: from youth-league superstar to a 130-pound aerial academy bench-sitter.
Guys like Joseph are advantageous to extend their arena canicule through aerial school, not afflicted to backpack it further. Joseph was advancing to apprehend this as he emailed one aftermost academy coach. It was to the University of Dubuque, a Division III walk-on program. He was atrocious to accumulate arena football yet able for his appeal to be abandoned like every added tiny affairs he'd already contacted.
For a few hours, it was.
For a few hours, one of the best absurd journeys anytime catholic to the NFL abstract was the abutting it anytime came to dying prematurely.
The allowance of a aerial academy football amateur extensive the NFL are so tiny, they're bidding in fractions of a percent. For the best of the best -- the aristocratic recruits apprenticed for places like Alabama and Clemson and Ohio State -- it's still the longest of longshots.
Joseph wasn't a longshot. He was a no shot.
He never started a bold in his varsity aerial academy career, and was no added acceptable to comedy academy football than a affiliate of the boot band. His email to Dubuque? He ability as able-bodied accept bottled a accounting bulletin and hurled it into the Fox River abreast his home.
That is until, afterwards aloof a few hours, a acknowledgment hit his inbox.
You won't acquisition Joseph in any aerial academy recruiting database. For 2013, Joseph's recruiting class, Rivals.com appear profiles for 8,506 affairs beyond the country. Of those, 34 were accustomed a absolute best rating, and added than 4,700 didn't get any stars at all.
Joseph? He didn't alike get the acceptance of a no-star profile. So, he about apish it.
Step one: administer a highlight tape.
But how does a amateur with no highlights abridge one? Joseph didn't accomplish added than about a dozen tackles in his dispersed career at Oswego (Ill.) High, and he played with the JV as backward as his inferior season. He strung calm all the clips he could aggregation that fabricated him attending alike the atomic bit impressive, a montage of 16 plays.
To watch it is to attestant the abyss and breadth of the aqueduct in Joseph's pipedream.
In an era breadth academy football programs are sometimes anytime acceptable with their height/weight listings, giving a amateur an inch actuality and 5 pounds there, Joseph banned to run or adumbrate from his. With an anterior clear above-mentioned his video, he laid his undersized body to bald for academy coaches:
Michael JosephSR5'8" 130 poundsOswego Aerial School
When he accomplished alteration the video, Joseph played it back, and it was beneath than three account long.
Too short, he thought. So, he re-edited the clips to accommodate the opposing quarterbacks' pre-snap cadences, aloof to amplitude the breadth to 3:20. For the video's aboriginal play, Joseph chose an blunder on which he was about baffled deep. He offered up abandoned six plays assuming him in coverage. The blow were a mix of tackles in run abutment and appropriate teams action. Curiously, his two best absorbing plays -- both canyon breakups -- were sequenced Nos. 3 and 13.
One of his best friends, Devin Keenan, got an aboriginal blink at the video, and accustomed a raw, aching accuracy about the plays Joseph had selected.
"It was debris time," Keenan said with a smile. "I didn't say anything, but I knew with aloof about all those plays, we were up by 35 with a minute and a bisected larboard in the game."
No matter. The schools that accustomed Joseph's "highlights" wouldn't apperceive what was on the scoreboard. It went to an array of babyish colleges, inferior colleges, any abode with a football program, in hopes of a response. Nothing came back.
Joseph had a cousin, Bridget Hosley, a clue brilliant at Dubuque whose mother had been pressuring him to appear academy with or afterwards football. So, at his aunt Valerie's behest, he absitively Dubuque would be his final sales angle -- a aftermost resort - and one aftermost time he beatific 16 clips that abominably continued the analogue of a highlight aback into cyberspace.
Dubuque's recruiting coordinator, Mike Schmidt, now the arch drillmaster at Wisconsin-LaCrosse, opened the adapter in backward bounce 2013, so backward in the D-III recruiting activity the doors had all but bankrupt to backward additions. He wasn't abnormally afflicted - who would be? -- but he had been bent in a acceptable affection that day.
"He looked like a babyish giraffe on this tape, aloof afflictive and so skinny, but fast, with a continued stride, and agile," Schmidt said. "And you can't advise acceleration and quickness. No doubt, he was abundantly scrawny. You could see that. But I figured, 'Why not?' "
He was 130 pounds -- that's why not.
That, forth with bookish struggles in aerial school, were the accessible answers. But Division III schools like Dubuque are able to booty affairs on players who can't get a adventitious anywhere else. The Presbyterian university has beneath acceptance (about 2,300) than the accessible aerial academy Joseph abounding in Oswego. Every football amateur there, from the top of the agenda to the bottom, is a walk-on, and longtime arch drillmaster Stan Zweifel has the adaptability to backpack as abounding players as he feels the affairs can manage. Aftermost year, the Spartans agenda numbered about 150.
So why was Joseph's 130-pound anatomy not automatically disqualifying?
"It's Division-III football in Iowa," Schmidt said. "We weren't arena adjoin a agglomeration of huge monsters out there. The year we recruited Michael, we had an all-conference linebacker who brash 175."
Life on a Friday night bank can be a ability unto itself.
As abundant as coaches would adopt a atypical band biting from the bigger brilliant on the aggregation all the way through the green who aloof got pulled up from JV, the absoluteness is that two actual altered bonds can form. One amid starters, for whom amateur are the celebrity and adjustment for a adamantine anniversary of practice, and addition amid reserves, for whom a adamantine anniversary of convenance charge abundantly be its own reward. For the closing group, there's an bond abashment in the post-game expedition aback to the locker allowance while cutting a apple-pie jersey and demography an adventitious shower. Younger players apperceive it best, but best eventually alum to the starting lineup.
Joseph knew this abashment as a senior, the ancient affiliate of a club cipher capital associates in.
"We acclimated to buy sunflower seeds and bastard them in our duke warmers so we could at atomic accept a bite while we sat on the sideline," Joseph said. "We'd adumbrate them in our pouch. We knew we weren't accepting in the game."
Oswego Aerial coaches acceptable afflicted players not in compatible to accept seeds on the sideline, so Joseph and a brace accompany he describes as his "bench compadres" could advisedly besprinkle shells afterwards actuality implicated.
"It was acceptable cover," Joseph said.
Over the aftermost bisected of his chief year, he didn't comedy a distinct snap. He came close, however. During a playoff game, one of Oswego's starting cornerbacks had to appear out afterwards an adventitious blow with the goalpost. A drillmaster yelled, "Michael! Get ready!" But Joseph had so abounding sunflower seeds blimp in his aperture he couldn't respond. Instead, he angry his arch abroad from the apprenticeship agents to discharge the seeds to the ground. He accomplished his abrupt attempt to play, for once, wasn't advancing with a minute to go in a blast bold -- it was advancing with playoff stakes.
Until it wasn't.
"They concluded up putting our quarterback in there instead of me," Joseph said. "He was a acceptable athlete. They told me to get ready, but I anticipate the arch drillmaster said, 'No, put the quarterback in there.' "
As babyish as Joseph was as a child, he wasn't consistently disregarded as a player. Quite the opposite.
He was a activating active aback in adolescence leagues, advantageous his admeasurement arrears with breakaway acceleration that fabricated him a feared rusher. He wore a No. 5 jersey to bout his admired active back, Reggie Bush, and already did a Bush-style advanced cast into the end zone. Cipher cared how babyish he was -- the bold came to him easily, and he was accepting way too abundant fun to anguish that he was angled the scales at aloof 80 pounds in the eighth grade. He was so fast, he absolutely ran out of his cleats at times. His coach, Dustin Keenan, annoyed of seeing him cantankerous the ambition band in socks, absitively article had to be done.
"I'd accept a drillmaster band his cleats assimilate his feet," Keenan said. "That was allotment of the pre-game ritual."
Then Joseph entered Oswego Aerial as a ninth-grader, and the dream crashed.
He abutting the apprentice aggregation belief about 90 pounds, and didn't see cogent activity that season, or any thereafter. Exactly what kept him on the bank depends aloft whom you allege to. His above Oswego coaches acclaim him beyond the lath for his assignment ethic, attitude and quickness, but with two affection cornerbacks advanced of him, Joseph couldn't able the lineup.
"His bigger botheration was accepting off blocks from bigger receivers on run plays," said Oswego drillmaster Brian Cooney. "The activity in his anxiety accustomed him to get about a lot of blocks, but aback it came time to authority an edge, and there's boilerplate abroad to go, and it's time to put your bottom in the ground, he could attempt with that."
To those abutting to Joseph, there was added to it than size. His stepfather, Larry Rogers, apprehension he was denied a fair chance. So did Keenan. Rogers alike brash his stepson to stop playing.
"A lot of times he'd appear home and say, 'I'm activity to be starting tonight, or starting abutting week, so let anybody apperceive to appearance up.' Afresh it wouldn't happen. This was how it went bottomward his aftermost three years in aerial school," Rogers said. "I got annoyed of every year, football division rolls around, he's absorbed up and absent new cleats, and I knew they weren't activity to comedy him. From a parent's point of view, you don't appetence to see your kid appear home hurt. ... It was backroom as usual. I'm activity to alarm it what it was."
Just west of the Mississippi River in the tri-state breadth of Iowa, the University of Dubuque rises out of a braid of residential blocks, about the way so abounding aerial schools serve as a adjacency centerpiece. Joseph's accession was appropriately understated.
As a late-arriving, non-recruited player, he wasn't accustomed to accompany the aggregation aloft his accession in the abatement of 2013. Zweifel told him he artlessly wasn't yet accessible to comedy academy football, and appropriate he absorb the division proving himself both in the weight allowance and classroom.
"When we went to appointment Drillmaster Z, the aboriginal affair he said, and I beggarly the aboriginal words out of his aperture were, 'If you're cerebration about the NFL, get it out of your head. You're too babyish to comedy academy football appropriate now,' " said Nicole Rogers, Joseph's mother.
Under D-III rules, Joseph was technically not allotment of the aggregation and accordingly couldn't assignment out with added players beneath apprenticeship supervision. Dubuque's weight allowance ability is aggregate by all students, so Joseph had to accept times to assignment out aback the football aggregation was not. He put on about 9 pounds that aboriginal fall, and by the time he pulled on a Spartans jersey the afterward spring, his weight was in the 150s. He didn't comedy as a freshman, but he flashed impressively in convenance adjoin a boxy barometer stick: Dubuque brilliant receiver and NFL hopeful Tyler Rutenbeck.
"He didn't boss him, but Rutenbeck didn't boss Michael, either. He fabricated some plays," Zweifel said. "And by this point he's appropriation with the team, not on his own. And every time you looked at him, actuality comes addition 5 pounds, actuality comes addition division inch."
Rutenbeck was 6-foot-2, 190 pounds, and bent 22 touchdown passes as a inferior at Dubuque. He afterwards got training affected affairs with the Washington Redskins and Indianapolis Colts afore demography his football career to Europe. And afore Joseph had alike started a bold for the Spartans, he was abashed up the apprenticeship staff's acumen of him. Schmidt, who had fielded Joseph's antecedent email about advancing to the school, was additionally his position drillmaster aboriginal in his career.
"We had a brace of big-time transfers from D-I schools that absolutely came in at cornerback, and (Zweifel) was aloof all over me all the time," said Schmidt. "He'd be like, 'You've got D-I transfers, how appear you can't get them to comedy bigger than this Joseph guy? And I'm like, 'I'm trying, man. I don't know. Maybe we should comedy this guy.' By the time I larboard Dubuque, appropriate afterwards bounce brawl his green year, we all knew he was attractive like a starter."
While Joseph put on about 10 pounds a year throughout his Dubuque career, his attempt to accretion weight was arduous.
As a walk-on program, the weight allowance isn't the abandoned affair the football aggregation shares with all students. Dubuque has no able-bodied dorm, and no aliment account specific to its athletes. While players attractive to accretion weight at FBS programs ability be monitored by a nutritionist, barbecue at a training table and grab beginning protein all-overs at will, Joseph had no such assistance.
He formed assorted jobs to pay his own bills. His aboriginal year on campus, he formed white acrylic assimilate abode walls for a little added money from the school. Aftermost summer, he formed as a accountant at the Kwik Brilliant accessibility abundance on Dodge Street in Dubuque, a job it took him four interviews to land.
"I got paid every two weeks, abutting to $400. I'd pay rent, and that was abutting to $300, and if I had added money I'd accord it to my parents to advice them booty affliction of my sister," he said.
One of the best players in all of Division III was binding in eight-hour accouterment at Kwik Brilliant -- from 3 to 11 p.m. -- about workouts with the aggregation and blur study. Joseph had a avid appetence for watching film. The Dubuque agents uses Hudl technology, a arrangement that advance for the apprenticeship agents how abundant band anniversary amateur is watching. Joseph logged 187 hours in about 80 canicule aftermost summer.
"That's added than some of our abettor coaches watched," Zweifel said.
In the summer of 2016, Joseph took a job at a Dick���s Sporting Goods in Dubuque. But accepting no car, he had to airing about bristles afar a day to do so. The 2.4-mile amplitude from Loras Blvd. to University Avenue took him about an hour to access at work, and aback he clocked out, addition hour-long airing to his abode anteroom awaited. At one point, his parents abiding for him to booty a car to Dubuque, but Joseph beneath because he didn���t appetence to add gas to his expenses.
He took the job at Kwik Brilliant a year afterwards in allotment because it was a beneath bottom commute.
At times, his aliment account -- the actual affair his weight accretion depended on -- was tight. Joseph said he frequented a campus cafe for acceptance breadth he could eat all he capital for a collapsed price, and he'd annihilate black ache with bargain arctic pizzas or PB & J sandwiches.
"Scouts kept allurement if he could accretion added weight," said Mike Mandot, Dubuque's backbone coach. "I'd point out that he's gotten to 190 with no supplements, no absolute help, no big training table, and not bistro abundant on a adequately accepted base for a ample block of that time. Do I anticipate he can still accretion some weight? Yeah, I'd say so. If he was in any of these D-I programs, with all their resources, the supplements, all the calories anyone needs, he'd be 215 easily."
Mandot's plan for Joseph's weight accretion was simple: eat what you can, aback you can.
And alike admitting Joseph displayed a awful absorbing assignment belief in the weight room, his claiming there was appropriately daunting. Afterwards a division alive out on his own while cat-and-mouse to accompany the team, Joseph came beneath Mandot's affairs with afar of advance to be made. Mandot splits the agenda into three conditioning groups, and charge allot best of his time to the bank of players that starts and contributes most. Accumulation 2 includes backups. Mandot describes Accumulation 3, breadth Joseph began, as "panning for gold."
"Students who allotment the weight allowance with the team, I alarm them civilians, and he looked like a civilian," Mandot said. "Like an boilerplate Joe at the school, about adolescent. And he was abnormally angular in the lower half."
So angular that, incredibly, he could bank columnist added than he could squat. That's an exceptional antagonism for a football amateur or, frankly, any athlete. He developed bound on the bank press, blame 315 pounds by his green year. But his ample max still lagged beneath 300 pounds and he didn't canyon his bank columnist max until he'd formed out beneath Mandot for added than a year.
"It's genetics. My parents don't accept the bigger legs, so I got ashore with these craven legs," Joseph said. "I fabricated the best of it."
The scrawny, adolescent-looking noncombatant would eventually be called the Iowa Intercollegiate Able-bodied Conference Arresting Amateur of the Year, intercepting eight passes and breaking up eight added on his way to a third beeline year on the All-IIAC first-team defense. In his chief division he won the Cliff Harris Award, accustomed to the top small-school apostle in the nation.
"From breadth he started to breadth he is now, and afresh seeing NFL scouts appear through, it's been like watching a Disney movie," Mandot said.
As Joseph put on size, he larboard his aerial academy acceptability for anemic run abutment behind. He became one of the team's hardest hitters, forth with actuality its best awning man, and his courage became such that arresting coordinator Carl Coleman acclimated him in a appropriate role adjoin one opponent. Luther College, which additionally competes in the IIAC, runs an old-school wishbone triple-option offense. For the Luther game, in both 2016 and 2017, Coleman confused Joseph from cornerback to a abysmal assurance position to advance Dubuque's aegis adjoin a hasty arrangement that consistently separates men from boys.
"His bottom acceleration was such that adjoin a triple-option, he could go from dive, to quarterback to angle man, and clue the best alarming man inside-out, to either side," Coleman said. "He was fast abundant to get to the amusement and anticipate an atomic run if they pitched the ball."
Coleman replaced Schmidt as Dubuque's accessory drillmaster in 2015, and advised Joseph to be his best cornerback from the aboriginal day he arrived. He had the speed, breadth and instincts to booty opposing receivers absolutely out of the game, and brought an bend of competitiveness that will accept to serve him able-bodied in the NFL. He already bankrupt a feel adjoin Luther College, and didn't address it until afterwards the game.
"He's not a guy who will pee bottomward his leg. He won't be abashed to compete," Coleman said. "If he acreage at a Tampa Bay, hypothetically, and has to awning Mike Evans in practice, he'll admit Mike Evans as actuality one of the bigger and best receivers in the league. But he won't be intimidated. He won't stop the assignment and ask for an autograph."
Joseph wasn't the abandoned one to accelerate an email to Dubuque that accepted to be analytical to his football future. Addition email helped him go from one of the best players in Division III to a accepted abstract prospect, a bound that isn't calmly made. It came from BLESTO -- a aloof account some NFL clubs subscribe to and accommodate assets for to basin intel -- and landed in Drew Nystrom's inbox in February 2017.
Nystrom, Dubuque's abhorrent coordinator, additionally serves as its aloof liaison. BLESTO beatific emails to football programs all over the country, about boring the basin for unknowns. Nystrom appropriate Joseph, and this time, he had a highlight band that was absolutely legitimate. Not continued after, Chicago Bears advance Scott Hamel and Vikings advance Blaine Gramer catholic to Dubuque to analysis Joseph's speed. He clocked two 40-yard birr times in the aerial 4.4s in Dubuque's 60-yard calm football facility.
"I apprehension it was a antic they were alike there to see me," Joseph said.
It was no joke. Afterwards the 2017 abstract as BLESTO was advancing its account of 2018 prospects, Hamel gave Joseph a draftable grade, and anytime since, scouts accept beat a aisle to Dubuque's door. Three scouts showed up on the aboriginal day of abatement affected in August, and it's been a array anytime since.
Inside Mercer-Birmingham Hall, which houses Dubuque's football offices, Coleman alcove into his board and pulls out a assemblage of business cards. Every time a advance showed up to appraise Joseph, he would leave a agenda with Coleman. The assemblage is about an inch-and-a-half thick, with three and four cards from the aforementioned club apery three or four abstracted visits. In abounding cases -- and this is as acceptable a assurance for Joseph's abstract cachet as annihilation -- the aforementioned club beatific altered reps over assorted visits, apocalyptic of higher-level scouts cross-checking letters from breadth scouts.
"A guy from the Saints came who allegedly abandoned campaign about for their top 100 guys," Joseph said.
Scouts who accept been to Dubuque two or three times now ability apperceive their way around, but for most, the expedition to UD was their first. One such advance from the Dallas Cowboys formed through Dubuque's campus aftermost abatement attractive for directions. He happened aloft Joseph, but accepting never met him, didn't apprehend he was speaking to the amateur he was there to see. Joseph, anytime unassuming, provided admonition to the football building, afresh afterwards acicular the advance to a coach's office, but waited until the appointed account time to acquaint himself.
It's taken some time for Joseph to get acclimated to the attention.
Coleman declared him as visibly nervous, calmly in pockets, the aboriginal few times scouts came to accommodated him. Now? He's calmly himself.
When scouts flocked to Iowa City aftermost September to appraise Penn State brilliant RB Saquon Barkley in the Nittany Lions' alley bold at Iowa, bisected a dozen of them accustomed in time to drive to Dubuque a day earlier. Nystrom accommodated them the best he could, but said as abounding as three at a time had to ataxia about the aforementioned computer to watch Joseph's film. Chief Bowl controlling administrator Phil Savage bent wind of the buzz, and added Dubuque to his ambit through the Midwest while aloof for talent.
"I'm up there attractive for guys at Iowa, Iowa State, Nebraska, and I accumulate active into added scouts allurement me if I'd been to Dubuque to see this Division III kid," Savage said. "Then in the winter aback we alpha agreeable guys, I must've had four or bristles teams alarm me and accomplish abiding I would accept him in Mobile (Alabama, breadth the Chief Bowl is played anniversary year). Usually on a small-school guy, it's the added way about and I'm calling teams to see what they anticipate of him. In this case, they're blame for me to accord him an invitation. That says something."
In Savage's six years active the Chief Bowl, the above Cleveland Browns accepted administrator has continued about 800 absolute invitations to comedy in the anniversary all-star game. Abandoned two of those accept gone to a Division III player: Tampa Bay Buccaneers OL Ali Marpet, and Joseph. With the advice of a clandestine alike ride from Dubuque benefactor Joe Chlapaty, the Spartans apprenticeship agents fabricated the cruise to Mobile in backward January to abutment Joseph at the Chief Bowl. Among the receivers he had to awning in convenance was Iowa State's Allen Lazard, one of the draft's bigger advanced receiver affairs at 6-foot-5, 227 pounds.
"For a guy who played at a D-III school, best bodies would anticipate he wouldn't be able to adhere with Division I, top-tier guys, but he absolutely captivated his own," Lazard said.
When Joseph catholic to the NFL Aloof Amalgamate in February, he stood about 6-foot-1 and brash about 190 pounds, attractive abundant like added arresting aback affairs on hand.
With no abstract affairs added than Joseph, there was no on-campus pro day conditioning appointed at Dubuque this year, so it was abiding for Joseph to booty allotment in Iowa State's on March 27. Iowa State provided a stronger befalling to accomplish in advanced of added scouts, and for Joseph, the day couldn't accept agitated added importance, because he didn't run the 40-yard birr at the combine.
A day earlier, he collection a abandoned amplitude of about 200 afar from Dubuque to Ames to get there, abundant with apprehension as blah fields flew by his borderline view. He backward in an Ames Sleep Inn that night so he could run the best important 40 yards of his activity the abutting morning afterwards accepting aloof appear off a three-hour drive.
This time, he stood out as an outlier because of his school, not his size.
Having never alike been to Iowa State's campus, his GPS app took him to Jack Trice Stadium, rather than ISU's calm convenance facility, authoritative him a bit backward for registration. As Iowa State's abstract affairs broiled up as a accumulation in sleek, form-fitting Nike gear, Joseph continued abandoned in a bend of the facility, cutting a dejected Dubuque T-shirt and gym shorts. A scattering of supporters wore Dubuque colors on the sideline, including Coleman and able-bodied administrator Dan Runkle.
The aftereffect was a acceptable one: Joseph ample jumped 9 feet, 11 inches, and an NFC advance clocked him at 4.52 and 4.54 abnormal in the 40-yard dash. At about 6-1 and 187 pounds, the admeasurement and measurables are inarguably arresting for scouts. But that doesn't beggarly Joseph won't attempt to attempt with developed men for an NFL agenda spot. He's accepted to be called on the final day of the draft, and already again, he won't be accustomed abundant of a chance.
"He'll apparently accept to accord on appropriate teams appropriate away, but alive the blazon of kid he is, I don't anticipate that'll be an issue," the advance said. "Sometimes players who accomplish at a academy akin of (college) antagonism feel like they're too acceptable for it. But he's been advantageous allowance for bristles years."
Follow Chase Goodbread on Twitter @ChaseGoodbread.
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