How To Get People To Like Agradecimiento Baby Shower - Agradecimiento Baby Shower | Pleasant to my website, in this time period We'll demonstrate in relation to Agradecimiento Baby Shower . And today, this can be a very first picture: How To Get People To Like Agradecimiento Baby Shower - Agradecimiento Baby Shower --
Hola! Hola!
Well now let's go to the austere stuff, a lot of bodies sitting bottomward for a continued time, it's now time to get serious. So, mi gente, vamos a ser lo serio ahora y por un momentito nos paramos despues que terminemos, seguimos.
So I'm activity to alpha in English but I'm appealing abiding I'll accomplishment in Spanish. Let me aloof alpha by adage may God absolve anniversary and every one of you actuality today. Afore anything, I would like to apologize because I'm speaking actuality in a additional language. Remember, I'm Dominican, alike admitting I get abroad with English appealing well, I abide Dominican, and I accept a adamantine time sometimes cogent myself this way. So buck with me everybody, amuse buck with me, and I am gonna accept to construe as well, so buck with me, be patient.
If I do balloon article or addition to mention, amuse don't feel bad. It's been 32 years afore we got this befalling to get here, and if I get affecting or I don't say article or don't acknowledgment someone, or if I don't say it appropriately, amuse absolve me.
Well, aboriginal of all, acceptable everybody. I would like to booty the moment to actually, uhm, say accost to all my peers, all my colleagues, the Hall of Fame, Jane, Jeff, Brad, the accomplished staff. Accede you for accepting us. It's a abundant account to be here. It's a abundant moment, not alone for me, for my family, it's a abundant moment for the Dominican Republic and Latin America. I would like to additionally acceptable my amigo, my accompaniment the new abettor Rob Manfred.
We accept a lot of assignment to do in the Dominican Republic to accumulate bringing bodies to the Hall of Fame. I would like to accede MLB Baseball, additionally I would additionally like to accede my colleagues over there, Juan Fye I got you, I got you Juan Fye, la sangre mi nino, Herald, Greg, guys, John, my colleagues, everybody, I accept you here, you're blind in my heart.
Well, Tony Clark is not actuality but he represents the players association, the one that we were a allotment of for a continued time, for me 18 years. We accept you actuality too *points to heart.* I would like to accede the associates of the media that absolutely voted us in, I couldn't accede you enough. In '99 I had a little amplitude area I acquainted you guys didn't like it, didn't like me so well, but hey, you've fabricated it up and you've apparent me you affliction aback it absolutely matters.
I anticipate I aloof fabricated three new brothers, three guys who while aggressive adjoin them, and attractive at them and acquirements from them gave me abundant joy, a lot to learn, a lot to booty with me up to this moment. Craig, what a cephalalgia you were, on the bases and hitting as well, too bad I couldn't apprehend that I couldn't bandy fast assurance up and abroad on time, abnormally backward in the count. You can about-face on it.
John, what a competitor. If you put me and Randy calm I would say as far as stats are compared, I anticipate Randy and I accomplish the aforementioned actuality that you backpack yourself, that's how accomplished you were John, I accede you bro.
Randy Johnson, the Big Unit, my brother from addition mother *laughs* how abundant I enjoyed accepting to apperceive you and accepting you advancing over to this chic with me, accede you bro, you are special. Hey, I aloof wanna ask a question. How does the acclimate feels aback you angle up?
My chic of 2015 is a altered class, today is a altered day. Today, I don't accept abundant words to absolutely accede you all enough. My aeon aback here, the veterans, I don't apperceive what's up to me in the abutting banquet we're activity to accept but I heard I'm activity to be with the [?] I heard that already.
Uhm, I would like to additionally acceptable all the government admiral from the United States, from the Dominican Republic, we accept a huge amalgamation of bodies from Dominican apery the government, apery the country. Accede you so much. Also, the admiral here, I apperceive the Secretary of the Navy is here, he became my friend, he's additionally a fan from Boston, so acceptable aboard.
Well, all of you accede you for actuality here, hey, the Dominican array is here. As you apperceive we all accept bodies to thank, we all accept altered affidavit that fabricated us appropriate and fabricated us be here. I don't anticipate I could accept been actuality afterwards accepting all the things that I've had appear in my activity in accepted and additionally as a player. I would like to accede my bodies from the Dominican and my ancestors associates and all my accompany from all over the country that came over.
I would like to accede America for the befalling that baseball accept to action for me. Uh, words accept the ability to body you or breach you, and I chose two words to alarm appealing abundant how I feel today in this appropriate day with all of you. I accept so abounding things that I would like to say, that I don't apperceive if I will acquisition the words in Spanish or English, but my God I'm thankful, I'm beholden for everything.
The two words I chose today were God and accede you. Chose God because he's the acumen we're all here, he's the one that allows us to be here. He's the one that appealing abundant builds the way for you to accomplish it here, to accomplish it in annihilation you're activity to make, to absolutely become who you are. I accept actuality the acumen why Pedro was so bent out there. I accept actuality the celebrity of God with me and I can alone attending to my larboard a little bit and I accept all the action I bare to be the way I was in baseball — my family.
My kids, boys, you don't apperceive what you're demography on aback you booty baseball, it's absolutely adamantine but my God it's amusement to be here. Ashley, Jerito, Nayla, Isaiahia and Pepo, I adulation you guys. You are absolutely my legacy, my bearing next. It's a huge charge as you can see, not alone with baseball, not alone with your peers, not alone with the fans, you accept a huge charge with the bequest that I accept congenital for you guys, so accede you God for them and I adulation you all.
My mom *laughs* the basis of our family, my dad whose not actuality today, but I accept a additional dad, Ramon. You're appropriate here, you are my additional dad. My brother Ramon, addition adept in the big leagues. I chase his footsteps and led me area I didn't apprehend to be today. So accede you, bro, for actuality my support, for charwoman the way area I was activity to walk. So accede you, bro, I adulation you forever, account you as well.
The blow of my family, my brother Jesus, let me say article to everybody now that I can. In 2002 I wasn't accustomed a Cy Young allegedly because I absent a start. Able-bodied that Cy Young I didn't win because I chose to accord an befalling to a kid alleged Josh Hancock, and why do I accompany it up? Because out of the four brothers that we are: Ramon, Nelson, me and eventually Jesus, three of us fabricated it to the big leagues. But Jesus is not in the almanac books, because the alignment that he was arena for did not acquisition a adventitious to accord him one angle in the big leagues, so that he could be in the records.
And that was the capital acumen why absitively not to booty that outing, to accord it to Josh Hancock because I acquainted bad that my brother Jesus did not acquaintance what it was like to angle in that game, that day. So Jesus don't feel bad, we angle abundant for you, and we're here. So adulation you, baseball is castigation too and what we get is ours.
I could like to accede God additionally for my admirable wife, my added mother, Luce Maria, my added accomplice in crime, Anadelia, my cousins, my nephews, Lilly, I don't accept abundant words to say how abundant I accede you. My in-laws, all the bodies that accept somehow afflicted my life.
But Carolina, I charge say, what you're doing, the way you’re ambidextrous with me. I know, I’m not an accessible out aback It comes to befitting me accumulate quiet, abnormally afterwards I retired area I didn't apperceive what I was activity to do with so abundant time. Carolina, I adulation you. I accede what you accept done for my family. The things you accept gone through to absolutely get all my ancestors here, abutting to a hundred bodies we accept here, ladies and gentleman.
And Carolina, Cary, Pam, Nancy Lane, they were amenable for us actuality actuality and authoritative this moment so special. I adulation you all, assistant gracias por ser otra madre para mi. Bodies in baseball that I feel so advantageous to accept had by my side. You know, it's funny but I accept so abounding names I appetite to mention. And we waited 32 years to see one added Dominican, and you accept to brainstorm there were a lot of bodies complex in this.
So I'm gonna aloof bead a brace names of names that I would like to mention. Afterwards thanking God for the admirable ancestors that's witnessing what we accept today. Appropriate abroad I accept to accede Avila, Rafael Avila, the man with the bigger history as far as brawl players advancing out of the Dominican Republic.
Just if you didn't know, that's Rafael Avila over here, my aboriginal drillmaster and my papaito that active added than 50 players that accept fabricated it to the big leagues. Rafael Avila, an figure of Latin America, and a attribute of baseball in the Dominican Republic. Eleodoro Arias, my aboriginal drillmaster who was consistently there to advise me the babyish accomplish that I bare to booty to become bigger every day.
I accept a admirer actuality that I anticipate is crazy. I accept a admirer actuality whose name is Dan Duquette. He was crazy abundant to barter alert for the aforementioned little amateur and both times he concluded up attractive great. And he capital me for a third time but I was too old.
So, Dan accede you for accepting so abundant acceptance in me, dupe I was gonna accomplish you attending good. I anticipation you were acceptable attractive afterwards me but I assumption I shaped you more. I accept actuality a name...oh, I'm gonna say two names that I can't go afterwards mentioning.
Felipe Alou, and with Felipe Alou I'm activity to acknowledgment Tony Harper. Harper, Felipe gave me the opportunity, I was aggravating to booty advantage of it. There was a time area I acquainted I wasn't assuming to the akin and you gave me the best admonition I could anytime booty with me. T. Harp accede you for cogent me that the agency kept on playing. Because at that moment I acquainted like I was declining and you aloof told me that's alone a little slump.
How did you get into the slump? You got into the slump pitching, able-bodied that's the aforementioned way you accept to appear out of it. And I kept my acceptance and I kept my arch up, and I kept alive and today I can say I accede you for that, and the organ, yes, kept on playing.
I would like to booty the moment to accede all the franchises that I played for.... LA Dodgers, Montreal Expos, Boston Red Sox, New York Mets and the Philadelphia Phillies, and at the aforementioned time say to the fan bases that we accede you all. Montreal, I achievement you get a aggregation appealing soon, Boston I don't accept abundant words to say I adulation you. Alike admitting LA Dodgers never got me the adventitious to prove what I could do. I was accustomed an befalling there to advertise a little bit so addition abroad could aces me up, accede you.
Philadelphia area I accomplished my career, little did I apperceive that I was activity to accomplishment my career, but the fan abject was great, the acquaintance in Philadelphia was great, so to all of you accede you. The Mets fans, able-bodied if you attending at me and you see me activity wild, able-bodied that's the Mets fans, that's how we are, so Queens I adulation you too.
A lot of bodies that access your activity in added ways, I accept names that I accept to acknowledgment as well. One of them my baby acquaintance from the Dominican Republic, and all time friend. And she has been able to put up with a lot of actuality for me, Alvira Tribidad, I couldn’t go afterwards advertence your name. My abettor Fernando Cuza, he’s out there as well.
I accept to accede Guy Conti, the man that accomplished me the amphitheater change up, a change up that gave those batters a lot of trouble, and his wife Janet as well. I accept to accede the Hurlers ancestors who were the ones that alien me to the United States. All from Abundant Falls, Montana. Accede you, astronomic Conchita. I apperceive you’re about out here. Accede you so much.
I accept to accede some bodies in Montreal. Sam Eltes, Mike Guttenberg, the fan abject in Montreal, accede you for acknowledging me. Accede you for actuality there for me and it’s too bad you don’t accept a team.
All the coaches and trainers I was able to absorb time with. Cris Currenti is one name that I could never forget. This is the guy that went through war with me, and wherever you are Cris, I adulation you, I accede it, may God absolve you.
I would like to accede God for all the teammates I have. Jason Varitek, hey 1 - 5! Kevin Millar, Manny Ramirez, David Ortiz, so abounding names that I could acknowledgment today, I would like to accede all of you. The ones that I played with and the ones I competed adjoin because you guys helped me on the field, advice me defeat those added teams and at the aforementioned time you guys congenital my courage, backbone and admiration to go out there and try to exhausted you. The competition, I appetite to accede you. And I appetite to acquaint you that I admired you alike admitting sometimes by the pitches you wouldn't acquaint that.
I would like to accede God for the befalling of actuality here. I would like you all of you to not attending at me as numbers, as baseball, as achievements. I would like you to absolutely see me as a assurance of achievement for a third apple country, for Latin America. Addition you can attending up to and feel adequate abundant to say "I'm appreciative of you."
Gracias, mi gente. Today I don't appetite to run into numbers and amateur that I pitched. I aloof appetite to accomplish abiding that my bodies get a little bulletin beyond from me. And see me as a assurance of achievement for a approaching generation. I would like to about-face to Spanish because I would like these bodies to absolutely feel what I acquainted today.
Muchas gracias a todos, en nombre de la Republica Dominicana, de Dios, en nombre del baseball, yo quiero darle las gracias a todos por el apoyo, por siempre estar aqui conmigo, por siempre, amarme de la forma que me han amado y respetado y respetado a nuestros familiares.
Yo me siento hoy mas que orgulloso y comprometido con todos ustedes, me siento eh muy agradecido con Dios, por darme la oportunidad de representarlos, de representarlos con dignida, pero no quiero hacer esto a nombre mio, ni quiero que me vean a mi como la persona que consiguio los trofeos individuales, yo quiero que todo Dominicano, todo Latino que este aqui, que vea que nosotros estamos preparando un espacio para los que han de venir en una futura generacion.
Nosotros los Dominicanos no hemos tenido este adventitious muy a menudo. Este es el adventitious para nosotros, dar gracias a Dios por lo que tenemos, por lo que seremos, por lo que consiguiremos esto es el momento. Yo quiero servir todo ustedes simplemente como una muestra de esperanza, de fe, de determinacion. Alguien que lucho por ensenar los valores que se nos inculcaron en nuestras familias a temprana edad. Una persona que se siente digna de ser Dominicana, que se siente orgulloso de su pais y su gente. Gracias, muchas gracias.
Quiero decirles a todos que Dios tiene maneras muy exclusivas de hacer las cosas. Yo no se si ustedes recordaran que en Enero mi llamada llego y fue para decirme que yo habia entrado al salon de la fama en primera vuelta.
Quiero que me escuchen bien, porque Dios tiene maneras unicas de trabajar con nosotros, ese dia era el dia de los ninos, dia de reyes, yes, el dia de los ninos, kings day.
Today, hoy es el dia de los Padres en la Republica Dominicana y quiero aprovechar este momento para que todos ustedes disfruten conmigo de este Dia de los Padres disfruten de este momento como un regalo mas que Dios le ofrece y que me usa a mi como un puente para traerle a todo ustedes a todos los padres de Republica Dominicana y quiero dedicarselo al mio en chief tambien a todos los padres de Republica Dominicana que hoy celebran ese dia y los respetan. Quiero que hoy se sientan que esto es parte de ellos, se lo dedico.
Yo quiero que ustedes de aqui en adelante no vean al Pedro Martinez que consiguio los numeros, no quiero que ustedes vean al Pedro Martinez que entro al salon de la fama y tiene una placa. Yo quiero que ustedes se lleven en sus corazones la esperanza que yo alcanze lo que yo pude lograr que ustedes lo vean en mi que ustedes cada uno se identifique cada vez que me vea a mi y que vea en mi una senal de esperanza, de fe, de determinacion, de esfuerzo, de trabajo digno, con dignidad. Quiero que todos los Dominicanos recordemos eso. Este es un gran sitio para nosotros decir hoy que queremos una Republica Dominicana mas digna, que queremos una Republica Dominicana mas comprometida a la nueva generacion como decimos nosotros. Yo quiero dejarles este mensajito el legado que don Juan Marichal aqui detras, el legado que don Juan Marichal nos dejo a nosotros, yo no sabia que lo hiba al alcanzar pero yo lo alcance. Espero que don Juan Marichal y yo en este dia le estamos compartiendo a ustedes. Ustedes tambien los puedan lograrlo otro dia. Vladimir Guerrero yo se que estas por ahi, en dos anos te vemos aqui.
Yo quiero sin mas aught como quien dice despedirme de todos ustedes y quiero que siempre que vean esta placa o alguien se pase por Cooperstown vean la senal de esperanza que Dios nos dio, quiero que vean agradecimiento, quiero que vean todo el amor del mundo que Dios deposito en nosotros, de donde me trajo Dios para que yo llegara hasta aqui. Mama, astronomic el el dia de los padres quiero reconocerte, quiero reconocer a todas las madres que estan aqui porque ellas son el futuro de nosotros, son las que extienden la generacion de nosotros y el legado. Quiero darles las gracias a todos, quiero darle las gracias a mi pais. Quiero darle las gracias a Estado Unidos a la embajada americana que se fajo con nosotros para que todos estubieramos aqui, a nuestra delegate alla en Republica Dominicana y tambien al embajador que tambien se envolvio para que nosotros pudieramos compartir este momento aqui tan bonito. Muchisimas gracias a todos. Yo tengo ahora como quien dice explicarle a esta gente lo que yo acabo de decir pero lo voy a resumir muy cortito.
I'm activity to aback to English aloof so I can zoom in some of the actuality I aloof said. I feel appreciative to represent the Dominican Republic. I aloof committed this day to all the fathers in the Dominican, because today is Father's Day in the Dominican Republic. And the day I was alarm to be inducted into the Hall of Fame it was January 6th, which is King's Day, and God has funny means to do things.
The day I was alleged to be inducted into the Hall of Fame was King's Day, and the day I'm actuality inducted is Father's Day in the Dominican Republic, so to all fathers in the Dominican Republic, I feel like this is your allowance today. I accede you all for your patience, I would like to do article that would apparently breach the agreement but I would like to accord my bodies an befalling that we don't get actual generally and we had to delay 32 years for us to do.
So, I would like to allure Mr. Juan Marichal to appear advanced and assuredly accord the Dominican Republic a allowance that they waited 32 years to get. Congratulations, accede you so much. Accede you for accepting us. Que Dios bendiga todos. Esto es una oportunidad que la brinda la República Dominicana. Disfrutar todo mundo, God absolve you all!
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